属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绿色乱局 Tangled Up in Green Ta
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 约翰逊专栏--种族歧视用语(2)
1 | 权重窗技术在γ密度测井议Monte Carlo仿真中的应用 | Making Use of Weight Windows Technology to Simulate Monte Carlo γ Density Too | |
2 | 如何利用现代教育技术进行创新教育 | Making Use of the Modern Education Technology to Carry out the Creative Education | |
3 | 设计方案利用了关于金属拱和桁架在受力(包括风力)情况下发生变化的先进知识,预示了土木工程和建筑设计的一次革命。 | Making use of advanced knowledge of the behavior of metal arch and truss forms under loading, the structure presaged a revolution in civil engineering and architectural design. | |
4 | 碎石桩处理软土地基的设计 | Design Principle of Dealing with Soft Soil Subgrade by Making Use of Gravel Pile | |
5 | 他把新发明的铜质子弹用在一种十管集束枪,摇动手柄使之旋转时,每完全旋转一次,每个枪管就装弹并射击一次。 | Making use of the newly invented brass cartridge, he assembled a cluster of 10 barrels, each of which was fired and reloaded during rotation by a crank. | |
6 | 他们通过用氧化剂喷射速率阶跃函数变化的方法来改变气室压力和混合比。 | They varied both chamber pressure and mixture ratio, making use of a stepfunction change in the oxidizer injection rate | |
7 | 天津统泰食品有限公司是台湾统一集团全额投资设立的大型食品企业,注册资金为1095万美元.根据天津统泰公司集统一企业数十年的食品生产技术和经验,为消费者提供最好的产品 | Tianjing President International Food Co., Ltd. is a large food corporation owned by Uni-President Group. Its registered capital amounts to USD 11 million. By making use of our production expertise, we are able to offer our consumers following range of premium foods. | |
8 | 未依法登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司,而冒用有限责任公司或者股份有限公司名义的 | A company not lawfully registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares but falsely making use of the title "limited liability company" or "company limited by shares" | |
9 | 我不赞成给学校交了办学费用而不利用它。 | I don’t hold with the idea of paying for the upkeep of a school and then not making use of it | |
10 | 我国西部农村地下水利用中存在的问题及对策探讨 | On the Existing Questions and Countermeasure in Making Use of Groundwater in Countryside of Western China | |
11 | 西文编目数据套录中需要特别注意的字段的审核 | A Brief Discussion on Improvement of Cataloguing Documents in Western Languages by Making Use of outside Bibliography Data | |
12 | 现有企业利用外资进行改造,是中国利用外资主要形式。 | refurbishing existing enterprises by making use of foreign capital is the main form of utilizing foreign capital in China | |
13 | 虚拟信息资源的巧利用 | Making Use of Subjective Information Resource Skillfully | |
14 | 要坚持以我为主、为我所用的原则,开展多种形式的对外文化交流,博采各国文化之长,向世界展示中国文化建设的成就。 | Following the principle of keeping our own culture as the base and making use of that of others, we should conduct various exchanges with other countries, drawing on their strong points while introducing our own achievements to the world . | |
15 | 一部利用方言疏证《墨子》的成功之作-评萧鲁阳教授《墨子元典校理与方言研究》 | A Successful Monograph Making Use of Dialect to Explain Mozi-Review on a Good Arrangement and Dialectal Study about Mozi written by Professor Xiao Lu-yang | |
16 | 以“三基”工程为契机大力加强新农村警务工作 | Making Use of the Three Basic Projects to Improve the Service of Our Policemen in New Socialist Countryside | |
17 | 引入、批判、反思与借鉴―杜威道德教育思想研究90年 | Introduction, Criticism, Reflection and Making Use of as References: 90 Years Study on Dewey’s Moral Education Thoughts in China | |
18 | 用γ光测量含沙量的方法 | The Way of Determining Content of Sand by Making Use of γ Radiation | |
19 | 用有限元分析和DICM确定纸浆模塑材料弹性常数的逆问题 | An Inverse Problem of Identifying the Elastic Constants of Molded Pulp Material by Making Use of Finite Element Analysis and DICM | |
20 | 于是,他想利用唐僧不辨真伪,心慈面软的特点来智取。 | So he planned to capture Sanzang by making use of the priest’s kindness and muddled mind, rather than use force. | |
21 | 正在探索新的途径来利用工厂烟囱中不断冒出的烟气。 | New ways are being found in making use of the smoke that keeps coming out of the factory chimneys. | |
22 | 做好利用普惠制、原产地标志注册的宣传和指导工作。 | To do well the publicity and guidance work of making use of the General System of Preferences (GSP)and the registration of the mark of origin | |
23 | ||1:但也有理由相信,该交易可能对投资者有利。||2:交易所为买卖双方提供了交易平台,所以比起分崩离析,交易所的数量越少,买卖双方碰面成交的几率越大。||3:此外,在一家交易所完成所有交易可以降低投资者的成本。||4:因为许多交易品(例如黄金和股票)的涨跌呈负相关关系,所以从某种程度上来说,相互之间的风险可以互相抵消。||5:如果只在一家交易所交易的话,既希望黄金上涨又希望股票价格上涨的投资者可以提供较少的抵押品。||6:促成此次交易的经济学家预计,投资者每年可以减少30亿欧元(39亿美元)抵押品投入,节省3亿欧元的成本。 | ||1: But there are reasons to think that the deal could be beneficial to investors. ||2: Exchanges are platforms on which buyers and sellers can meet, so a lower number of exchanges, which increases the potential for buyer-seller matches, can be better than a fragmented system. ||3: In addition, making all trades on one exchange could lower investors’ costs. ||4: This is because some assets (gold and equities, say) tend to be negatively correlated, so risks offset each other somewhat. ||5: An investor wagering that both gold and equities will go up should need to provide less collateral if a single exchange is used. ||6: Economists advising the exchanges estimate investors could reduce collateral-posting by €3 billion ($3.9 billion), a likely annual cost saving of roughly €300m. | |
24 | ||1:里克?佩里的竞选之路举步维艰,但他提出的“侵权法改革”却引起热议。||2:今年六月,这位德州州长签署了 “败诉赔付”的侵权法案,规定侵权案的败诉方要补偿胜诉方的法律成本,希望以此减少一些琐细无聊的侵权诉讼。||3:该法案得到保守分子的大力支持。||4:几十年来,右派人士坚持认为,美国的法律文化窒息了小企业、医生和创新者。 | ||1:IN HIS floundering campaign for president, Rick Perry has at least brought one topic into prominence: tort reform.||2:In June the governor of Texas signed a “loser pays” tort law, intended to discourage slight or frivolous lawsuits by making losers pay the winners’ legal costs.||3:Conservatives are eager to support it.||4:The right has maintained for decades that America’s legal culture smothers small businesses, doctors and innovators. | |
25 | ||1:桑斯坦现在负责监督一年前奥巴马总统颁布的行政命令(的执行情况),该命令要求各有关部门精简其规章制度。||2:桑斯坦表示所有部门都执行了该法令,并且他管辖的部门已经上交了580份提案(不包括证券交易委员会等独立机构)。||3:他表示更切实有效的节省计划即将展开。||4:要求各州配备污染蒸汽回收系统的措施可以在未来五年内节约4亿美元。||5:让医生和医院更方便参与老年人的美国联邦医疗计划的举措可以节约约50亿美元。||6:桑斯坦补充说,各级部门并不是勉强应付该行政令(旧官僚体制往往不愿意交出资金和权力),而是予以积极配合。 | ||1: Mr Sunstein is now in charge of overseeing a year-old executive order from Mr Obama telling every agency to slimits rule book. ||2: Mr Sunstein says every one has complied, with 580 proposals received from the departments under his purview. (Independent agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission are not among them.) ||3: And he says real savings are on the way. ||4: Lifting a requirement for states to require pollution vapour-recovery systems will save $400m in five years. ||5: Making it easier for doctors and hospitals to participate in the Medicare programme for the elderly will save $5 billion. ||6: He adds that agencies have responded not grudgingly (the old stereotype of bureaucrats loth to surrender cash or power), but eagerly. | |
26 | ||1:现在看来根本没有希望能在这场比谁嗓门大的比赛中让空气清洁法案变得更好,公共事业缺陷的弥补方式也没有得到统一的意见。||2:公共服务集团(PSEG)的伊佐先生认为环保署的标准已经是理论上的最低水平了,继续降低标准,将会伤害到像他们这样走在标准前面,为环保事业大量投入的有社会责任心的企业。||3:而且,也不清楚那些对环保署持批评态度的人真的想看到一个更有预见性的规章制定过程。||4:许多公共事业也许真的是靠这些蒙受巨大抱怨的新法规引起的法律挑战而获利。 | ||1:There seems little hope of updating the Clean Air Act amid the current shouting match about environmental regulation, however, and utilities are far from unanimous about its deficiencies.||2:Mr Izzo, of PSEG, argues that the EPA’s standards are scientifically grounded, and that to water them down would be to penalise responsible firms like his which have gone ahead and made the necessary investments.||3:Moreover, it is not clear whether the EPA’s critics really would like to see a more predictable rule-making process.||4:Many of the utilities that complain most vociferously about the uncertainty involved actually contribute mightily to it by backing endless legal challenges to new regulations. | |
27 | ||1:这个问题根深蒂固。||2:英语中存在大量负面的词汇和表达带有修饰语“黑色”;这种表达由来已久,很可能与人们对黑暗的原始恐惧有关。||3:尽管如此,“黑色”与危险或邪恶的永恒等式让黑人们不厌其烦:比如黑魔法、恶棍、黑心、黑色经济等等。||4:在一些固定用法的表达中,“黑色”的使用不可避免,比如敲诈勒索这个词。||5:但并不是所有的表达都必须固定使用“黑色”,计算机从业者在使用“黑名单”时用“blocklist”替代“blacklist”(黑名单是指无法联系你的一系列邮件地址的清单),这样的做法微不足道,但意义非凡。 | ||1:The problem runs deep.||2:A host of negative words and expressions in English contain the modifier “black”; they are old, and are probably related to a primeval fear of darkness.||3:Nonetheless the constant equation of “black” with danger or evil can weary black human beings: consider black magic, blackguard, black-hearted, black economy and so forth.||4:Some, such as blackmail, are unavoidable fixtures.||5:But not all: the computer types who are replacing “blacklist” (a list of e-mail addresses that cannot reach you) with “blocklist” are making a small but symbolic effort. | |
28 | 本文的其余部分会重点阐释如何安装软件包以及利用这一部分中所简要介绍的类。 | The rest of the article will focus on explaining the setup of the package and making use of the classes outlined in this section. | |
29 | 本文借助当代基督教神学资源对20世纪西方文论中的“意义”问题进行讨论。 | This essay discusses the problem of meaning in 20th century Western literary theories and criticism by making use of theological resources. | |
30 | 本研究使用教师工作倦怠量表对136位成人高校教师进行问卷调查,探讨成人高校教师工作倦怠问题。 | This paper investigates 136 teachers of adult college making use of job-burnout scale to approach the problem of job-burnout among them. |